9/21/05 - Canal Corporation Partners With Local Group to Help Restore Historic                  Lock. read article

9/21/05 - Canal Corporation Press Releast Video Clips:
                 1. Carmella Mantella 2. Robert Oaks 3. Mark De Cracker

9/20/05 - MEDIA ADVISORY: Canal Corporation to Assist in Restoration of Historic Lock E-56. read article

9/15/05 - "New Life for an Old Lock" on 13 WHAM News. read article

8/14/05 - "Canal Lock May Get Facelift" by Jim Miller (Finger Lakes Times) read article

8/12/05 - "Uncovering The Old Erie Canal Lock In Lyons" airs on 13 WHAM News.
                  Lyons, NY native Kyle Clark reports. read article / view clip

7/8/05 - "Canal lock could still be restored: Residents tell Walsh of dreams" by Jim Miller (Finger Lakes Times) read article


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